

My in-laws were visiting Matt & Cassy's house in New York for New Year's Eve this year.  As they sat together as a family to celebrate, they took turns talking about their best moments of the year, and then made resolutions.  Cassy suggested to Rex (4) that his resolution be that he would be nicer to his brother and sister.  He responded that he already WAS really nice to his brother and sister, to which Porter took exception.

"No, you're not!" Porter exclaimed.

Rex whirled around and yelled, "Yes, I am, you big baby!"

obstacle to bedtime

Christian (3) often climbs out of his bed - which is no surprise to anyone who knows him (or who knows any 3 year old).  Recently he climbed out of his bed, went downstairs, and announced to his mother, "Mom, I can't go to bed."  When she inquired about the reason for this, he responded,

"Because I took my mattress off my bed, then I took my sheet off my mattress, and then I ran out of my room and locked the door."

Sure enough, that's quite the series of obstacles.


The weekend of Thanksgiving, Matt & Cassy brought their kids down from New York and we went to the National Zoo.  A couple of funny things from the trip:

1) A large turtle in the reptile house sat completely still, which is how he catches his prey - the tongue inside his mouth wiggles just a little so that fish think its a worm and come too close to survive.  As Porter, Penelope, and I stood watching it, every single person who came by asked if it was real.  We overheard many families argue over whether it was real or not, which cracked me up - why on earth would the National Zoo put a fake turtle in a tank of water and call it an exhibit?  I was amazed at how many people wondered aloud it the turtle was alive or a statue.  But my favourite comment was this: "That must be real, because where would they find a fake turtle that big?"

2) We were in the small mammal house, looking at some of the monkeys.  On the side of the exhibit were some signs identifying the mammals, and one of them said that the golden tamarins were endangered.  A little girl - probably 5 or so - read the sign, pointed excitedly at one of the tamarins, and shouted to her mother: "Quick, Mom, take a picture of that monkey!  He's in danger!"


Bishop's kids

A couple of funny stories from my old bishop, about his kids, as posted on Facebook:

"Favorite non sequitur of the day: Dorian announced out of the blue that she is a Gentile. Calder, sensing a bandwagon worth jumping, decided that he too is a Gentile. Auden did a quick mental survey of the rules of this newly-emerging game and announced that he is a Jew. Dorian responded that she had changed her mind and that she is actually Danish."

"Jeffery Baldwin Bott's kids put on his shoes for performance art tonight. Dorian said, 'We're daddy. I'm the tall half.' Auden said, 'I'm the boring half.' It was the saddest performance ever.


Maybe It's Rabies

My brother- and sister-in-law moved to Queens, NY earlier this year. They live in a very cute 3-story row house, right in the middle. The couple that lives above them has a small child and yet gets extremely angry at any kind of noise that my niece or nephews make, banging down the door or else screaming obscenities as Matt and Cassy leave for church with their children. I personally think that their neighbors are crazy.

The other day, while my mother- and father-in-law were staying with Matt and Cassy, the couple upstairs was up past 3am, screaming sometimes and laughing sometimes, and running around the apartment sometimes. I'm guessing they were drunk the whole time. When my mother-in-law was relating the story to us later and mentioned that it sound like the couple was chasing each other around, Porter(7) piped up, "Maybe they have rabies!"

Well, that would explain their erratic behaviour and occasional foaming at the mouth.


But the can is still full

Rachel and Sarah Ann are in the kitchen, gleefully helping their mom make the two pumpkin pies for tomorrow night. A few minutes ago, the time came to add the evaporated milk...Rachel picked up the can and said, "Evaporated milk??? Shouldn't the can be empty?"


Grammar Lesson?

We overheard the following conversation at the dinner table this evening:

Sarah Ann (5): After dinner, me and Penelope are going to [do some mischievous activity].
Rachel (10): "Penelope and I" are going to.
Sarah Ann: Yeah, and me, too!